The Lost & Rare Trades Fair was established as an artisan lead event to provide a single platform for career artisans and traditional tradespeople to share their skills. People are fascinated when true artisans and talented craftspeople openly demonstrate their incredible skills and share their knowledge of their trade and craft. We aim t...
7663 Hits
Artist and photographer Michael Paul Smith has spent hours upon hours photographing one special town that he holds very dear to his heart; Elgin Park. The body of his work compromises of scenes from the 1930's through to the 1950's and predominantly feature automobiles of the era shot against the backdrop of an array of contemporary ...
11571 Hits
Garage: Borrowed from French garage ("keeping under cover, protection, shelter") Culture: from Latin cultūra("cultivation; culture"), from cultus, perfect passive participle of colō("till, cultivate, worship")The arts, customs, lifestyles, background, and habits that characterise a particular society or nation The beliefs, values, be...
9382 Hits